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Follow the links below to find material targeted to the unit's elements, performance criteria, required skills and knowledge

Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Prepare for emergency situations
  2. Emergency resources are identified and their location is ascertained
  3. Problems with emergency resources are identified and reported to relevant personnel, in accordance with the facility emergency plan
  4. Identify and assess emergency
  5. Advice in relation to the emergency is sought, in accordance with the facility emergency plan
  6. Where initial response actions are considered unsafe or inappropriate action is taken to discontinue, in accordance with the facility emergency plan
  7. Safely confine emergencies
  8. Emergency resources are used, in accordance with facility emergency response procedures and safe work practices
  9. Emergency resources are used, in accordance with facility emergency response procedures
  10. Use initial response equipment
  11. Equipment is selected and used in response to the facility emergency
  12. Use of equipment is coordinated with other emergency actions, in accordance with the facility emergency plan
  13. Report facility emergency response
  14. Use of initial response equipment is documented and reported, in accordance with the facility emergency plan
  15. Initial response equipment is marked or positioned after use, in accordance with the facility emergency plan and a report to relevant personnel is completed to indicate if any equipment requires servicing and/or replacing